От USD 120,00 $
  • Продолжительность: 6 час. (прибл.)
  • Код предложения: Horseback Xunantunich


Xunantunich is an ancient Maya archaeological site located in western Belize, near the Guatemalan border. It is renowned for its impressive Mayan ruins, including a towering step pyramid known as "El Castillo," which offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding jungle and the Mopan River. Xunantunich was a significant ceremonial and political center in the Classic Maya period, with its peak influence between the 7th and 9th centuries AD. The site's name means "Stone Maiden" in the Mayan language.

The tour begins at a local stable where you will meet your Riding Guide, put on your helmets, mount your horse, and depart. After a 45-minute horse back ride through farmland in the village of San Jose Succotz and traversing along the river banks of the Mopan River, we arrive at the site. We leave the horses and make our way to the ruins to explore the site with your knowledgeable and experienced guide. After exploring Xunantunich, we make our way back to the stables on horseback.

Duration:  4-5 hours

What to Bring: Comfortable Long pants, footwear fit for riding; walking; climbing structures & long sleeves for protection from the sun, Sunscreen, Bug spray, Reusable water Bottles, Snacks, Camera.