Belize Karst Habitat Conservation is a registered NGO established with the purpose of developing and managing Tapir Mountain Nature Reserve, focusing on protection of the natural and cultural resources, and improved community benefit.
What does BKHC do?
Belize Karst Habitat Conservation currently has five continuous management programs that make up the management framework for the Tapir Mountain Nature Reserve. These programs include:
1. Natural Resource Management Program
2. Research and Monitoring Program
3. Community Outreach and Participation Program
4. Infrastructure and Equipment Program
5. Administration Program
As stated in their mission statement; “We are a dynamic and progressive community-based organization with a global perspective, committed to inspiring citizens how to adjust in an ever-evolving conservation landscape. We seek to develop and enhance Belize’s environment through on-the-ground education, and the use of science and technology for the sustainable management of its resources.” The Executive Director, along with board of Directors have worked tirelessly to ensure that BKHC continues to grow and receive the necessary funding to continue its mission; “to promote adaptive conservation through the innovative management of Tapir Mountain Nature Reserve, for the benefit of all Belizeans.”
Currently, BKHC's funds are being used to hire necessary employees: an administrative assistant, finance manager, protected area manager, a research officer, a caretaker, an outreach team, and three conservation officers. The conservation officers work alongside the protected area manager, using SMART technology to map out Tapir Mountain Nature Reserve and to ensure that no illegal activities (such as logging or hunting) are being carried out. Support now, to keep this initiative going.